Wednesday, August 15, 2007

6 posts in one

My head has been filled with blog posts lately, but they are really just paragraphs. So here are the unfinished thoughts in my head:

Were the men Mary dated on the Mary Tyler Moore show ever attractive? It's so hard to tell in the 70's if someone was supposed to be good looking or not. I can't tell whether someone is a "hunk" or I should be laughing at them.

Best breakup perspective ever: "It's ok, you only want the last relationship to work anyways".

One of my favorite blogs is called Choose My Adventure. The readers get to help plan his trek through Europe by a simple voting system. He's leaving for Europe soon & will be doing more polls that will make decisions for him. Great fun for those of us who do not have the means, or are not brave enough, to attend a tomato throwing festival in Spain.

Why do we only dip vegetables in ranch dressing? When you order pizza sticks they give you the choice of marinara sauce or ranch dressing & vegetables should be more like pizza sticks. So of course I tried the marinara sauce & veggies, & it was quite good. However, I'm afraid to repeat this for fear of becoming the "Weird Marinara Sauce" girl.

There's recently been some controversy about the fact that the baby Einstein videos may actually hinder language development. I think my next guess for this kind of news coming out is "Supernanny". I love watching "Supernanny" even though I don't have kids. The Supernanny recommends things like letting your kids wear goggles in the bathtub so they don't get shampoo in their eyes. My favorite though is the monster spray. She says to fill up a spray bottle of scented water & then when your kid complains about monsters in their room, spray the monsters away. Can we say enabling? For some reason in twenty years I picture a lot of 25 year olds walking back into their apartments after a hard day on Wall Street, wearing suits & carrying briefcases. They promptly put on their bathing goggles & then start spraying their apartment for monsters.

I had "PBS Telethon Rant" scribbled on a post it. I do remember having a very good rant about the PBS Telethon, but now I can't remember what it is.


Alyssa Goodnight said...

I miss Mary Tyler Moore! Is it on some channel that I'm not aware of? My parents used to watch MTM, Bob Newhart and Rhoda, and I have to admit to a certain fondness for those shows myself.

Trish Ryan said...

I LOVE Supernanny! She takes the most impossible families and makes them all nice and cozy. Although I wonder at times if the "before" scenes from that show will have a negative impact on the national birth rate....

Anonymous said...

As far as I know MTM isn't on TV, it used to be on TVland but it's not anymore. I've had to buy the DVD's.

Anonymous said...

I know I used to watch MTM, but I can't remember much of it for some reason. I'm curious about the PBS Telethon didn't have to do with Rick Steves, did it? I love that guy! Him and Bob Ross! :)

LEstes65 said...

Before I had kids, I would have watched Supernanny in my typically superior smug way. As a parent of two, I have watched it and thought, damn, good thing no one is writing to give them MY address!!! She has had some amazingly simple techniques that we've tried on our kids with great success. My problem is, I get lazy and don't keep it up. And, I suspect, so do most of those families. I'd be interested to see a "Five Years Later" follow up. HA!

Anonymous said...

Wow, one of your favorite blogs? Thanks Sara! That made my day.

Travis Erwin said...

It's too late. Now you are officially the weird marinars girl in my book.

Jessi said...

I think being the weird marinara girl would be a great title to hold, actually.

Miss Weird Marinara Girl.

Like Miss America, only not.

Anyway, I am curious about the PBS telethon rant. I worked at a PBS telethon last year. I had to wear a fireman suit on television.