Thursday, April 10, 2008

In honor of my 99th post I try & see just how long of a title I can type in this field even though the titles don't have spellcheck so I'm running a r

Ok, I don't even have the sticktoitveness to actually count how many letters are in the title. Sorry that I made you come all the way to my blog just for that. Also, I hate the song "Diamonds on the sole of her shoes." It makes no sense at all. It acts like it's a real song, but it isn't.


Allie said...

I hate "diamonds on the soles of her shoes" too!!! Especially that line "everyone knows what I'm talking about" - because I DON'T.

Barrie said...

So, what are you planning for the 100th post!

Unknown said...

i'm not sure i know this diamonds song you speak of...i hate feeling left out! :) happy friday!

robin ann mcintosh said...

congrats on the winded 99th post. i wonder what one i'm on? don't want to know. too scary.

LEstes65 said...

You are so wonderfully silly on so many levels. Is it any wonder I want to be you when I grow up?

Alyssa Goodnight said...

Leave it to you to push Blogger's limits! On to the next 100 posts!