Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Read Below for the Real Title

The real title of this post that is too long to fit in the title field is: Things that pretty much everyone does that make no sense: Volume One

You never hear an athlete, coworker or fellow human utter anything close to "When we all went in for that group high five I really felt a part of a team and it was a valid way of celebrating a big accomplishment. I will remember it for the rest of my life."

Yet...every time anyone does anything....


heidikins said...


That's awesome.


Britt said...

lol! Too true. :)re

LEstes65 said...

I'm pretty sure I've never participated in a group high five. I usually do the "white man" high five where we purposely miss hands. But then, I'm an ass.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

What?? You mean all those high-fives I've been given over the years mean *nothing*???

This changes everything.

Runny Babbit said...

where was i when all the group high-fiving was going on? hmmph. left out again.