Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I would estimate that I see maybe one or two people with a black eye in a year. In the past week I have seen 9 black eyes, all on elderly people. My explanation: Old people fight club?


robin ann mcintosh said...

too glamorous. try squabble over last rice pudding in buffet line (easy on the dentures).

LEstes65 said...

Wow. It's probably more what Robin said but I like imagining the old people fight club!

Britt said...

Hahah! I can only imagine...

Alyssa Goodnight said...

I disliked that movie. My husband told me I'd really like it, and I sat through it all thinking, 'when is this going to get good???'

I feel certain I wouldn't like an old people version any better--although Mickey Rooney was pretty hilarious in Night at the Museum.

Jennie said...

If I was old, I'd totally join that elderly fight club. I think I could take the grannies on.