Sunday, February 07, 2010

Why My Template is Still the Same

I haven't changed this blog template in a long time. I like the cartoon templates just because I feel that it eases the harshness of my words. Besides this avatar has a pink computer and I have a pink computer. (Granted, I only bought a pink computer just so my brothers wouldn't try and make me trade for their desktops. I really wanted an orange one.)

The cartoons soften my image so passing visitors don't punch their computer screens. So I was somewhat intrigued by this template and just can't decide whether to stay with the old one or try out the new one. I feel like I would have to change my tagline to "My avatar is hotter than I am". I mean I have brown hair and a turquoise shirt but I've never worn white pants. In a very generous artists' interpretation that could be me. However, I just tried to stand like that and I fell over.


Alyssa Goodnight said...

I like the new blog template--sort of mysterious. And perhaps that it merely a little-known ninja stance. You just need some practice.

Britt said...

I don't think many people in their right minds wear white pants...just sayin ;)

Jennie said...

I don't know. I kind of like them both. Maybe try out the new one and see if you like it?

Oh, and I also buy things in pink so my brothers don't try to steal my things. Glad to see I have some company on that strategy :)

Barrie said...

Looking at that stance hurts my back.

Anna said...

I like this one. The other one looks like a bitchy model.

LEstes65 said...

The fashion geek template would only be appropriate if you had some kind of horrible pelvic deformity that made you stand all crazy like that. I like this one.