Monday, July 26, 2010

Guess the Sound

One of the great adventures of living in an apartment building are all the weird noises. Like at the beginning of the summer I heard this weird scraping noise, like fingernails on a chalkboard. My immediate concern was the air conditioner. Upon closer investigation I saw that it was a kid who had dug up the drip line for watering the plants outside and was dragging it across the parking lot while swinging it above their head. That would've been my second guess.

So when the new mysterious sound emerged today I decided to stray away from the obvious. I'm betting that it's a running wood chipper inside a gigantic blender.


Alyssa Goodnight said...

I think, just possibly, you might have strayed too far.

Allie said...

For sure.

WV today is "muninizi". I wish that were a word.

LEstes65 said...

Oh my, I could write a book of "things I think I heard". Starting with the weird house settling noises that can convince me that some serial killer has been living in my attic for over a year (because, you see, that one time I left home and left the front door wide open...). And he's just living up there, eating my food while I'm at work. Lulling me into my false sense of security. Damn, I've watched WAY too many X-Files and Millennium episodes...