These were my thoughts as I watched Man vs Wild on the Discovery channel where a guy named Bear is dropped into different situations simulating a lost tourist & must get out using his survival skills. It's a very scary insight into how my brain works.
I wonder if I would be watching this show if the guy wasn't hot or he didn't have that British accent? Accents are hot. I should get one.
It's very convenient that he got stranded in the desert with all those camera men around.
I wonder if he has a girlfriend? He could totally help me take over Canada, & find the best parking spots at the mall.
Bear can jump out of helicopters, none of my ex boyfriends could do that.
There has to be a catch. I better look at wikipedia which says
Following allegations that the show deceived viewers into believing that he was really stranded in the wild when he wasn't, Channel 4 temporarily suspended the show.
People are idiots why can't they just let the boy be hot & British? Is that really such a crime?
Ewww. Is he eating a bug? He's such a cute boy. I would never be able to make out with him now. Ever. EWWWW. If the show is fake why does the cute man have to eat bugs? Why can't he just point to them & say "Those are nutritious. I could eat those if I was really stranded. Which I'm not." I mean there's breath mints & Scope, everyone says I'm too picky. Ok, focus Sara, go to wikipedia & find a list of exactly what gross stuff he has done in the name of survival & then make an informed decision:
The program has shown him eating raw meat and live fish, staving off hypothermia, and drinking the fluids of elephant feces and his own urine for hydration.
Another potential suitor bites the dust, I hate nature.
Drinking his own urine? The fluids of elephant feces? That is seriously sick and now I want to vomit. Over and over and over...
you kill me! :) i'm glad you kept wiki'ing bear information because i was totally going to tell you about the drinking his own urine thing. jason and i have been watching his show for a while now. he's done all sorts of creep-me-out stuff. oh. once--he peed on his shirt and wrapped it around his head to keep himself cool in the desert.
i just wanted to help you make an informed decision. :)
oh. and he's married. :)
have a great weekend!
I rarely interject in my own comments, but it's a strong woman who can be married to that
Does he have a brother? (with healthier habits)
Sara, there are plenty more accented fish in the sea. Even hot accented fish who don't drink urine or eat beetles.
Most of my celebrity crushes have been on hot British guys. I'd rather not talk about the others I've had.
speaking of faking accents, I am selling stuff on craigslist right now, and every time a new buyer comes to my house I fake a new accent.
people respect the british SO much more.
He'd have to be hot for viewers to care if he made it out of the wild alive. If a homely person drinks their own urine in the woods, we kind of hope s/he'll stay there...
You'll just have to wait for your ninja to arrive.
He's ok. But you have hotter choices. Accents are only cool if they're not masking some horrible inner lacking. Based on his eating habits, I'm thinking that lacking could be large.
yea thats kinda gross.but
he's still totally hott!
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